Mexico: the mysterious disappearance of a French couple worries their loved ones



Article written by

L. Nahon, L. De Casanove, S. Estrade, France 3 Aquitaine, C. Ricco – France 3

France Televisions

In Mexico, a French couple in their fifties from the Basque Country has disappeared. Saturday, November 5, relatives are worried, because two bodies were found. The results of the DNA analyzes are not yet known.

Several years ago, Assya Madjour, 50, and Michel Amado, 57, had found happiness by settling in Mexico. They owned an inn in Valladolid, in the south of the country. This is where two bodies were found on October 18th. “We haven’t heard anything”, says a witness. DNA analyzes are underway to determine if it is indeed the couple from the Basque Country. The couple has not given any news to his relatives since the end of August.

The couple’s relatives denounce a slow and opaque investigation. They no longer have any illusions about the results of the analysis of the two bodies. “We know it’s them but we want to formalize the thing to be able to repatriate the bodies, to be able to mourn, to have a place where we can also gather (…)”, says Emma Noreau, friend of Assya Madjour. At first, family and friends received mysterious messages containing French mistakes in which the couple said they were going to a spiritual center. The Mexican press evokes a trade dispute with a Dutchman. So far, no leads have been confirmed by investigators.

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