Mexico | Positive for COVID-19, the president sees the “exit” from the pandemic

(Mexico City) The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, who tested positive on Monday evening, said Thursday that he foresees the “exit of COVID-19” for himself and for his country which recorded the day before a record of more than 44,000 new cases in 24 hours.

Posted at 7:05 p.m.

“I’m coming out of COVID-19,” the 68-year-old head of state said in a video, testing positive three days ago for the second time in a year after receiving a third dose of recall in December.

“It is very encouraging to verify in his own flesh that this variant does not present the same lethality or the same dangerousness as the previous variant, Delta”, he added, smiling while visibly in great shape, about d ‘Omicron.

“I never had a fever, or a headache, or a lack of oxygen,” detailed Mr. Lopez Obrador, who just mentioned hoarseness and burns in the throat, treated with paracetamol.

“It makes me very happy, because it means that this pandemic is going in the direction of the exit. It’s still a pandemic, but I believe that with this new variant, there are not many risks, ”he resumed.

“There are hospitalizations, but they are not increasing very much and, most importantly, we are not going to have more deaths. ”

“After this period of contamination, which it is true is expanding, we are all going to return to normality,” he concluded.

On Wednesday Mexico (126 million inhabitants at the last census, nearly 129 million according to the World Bank) recorded a record 44,187 new cases in 24 hours.

There were 190 deaths, well below the mortality peaks recorded a year ago during a previous wave of contamination (1,803 deaths on January 21, 2021).

Faced with this new wave, the authorities took no restrictive measures. The borders remain wide open.

In absolute value, Mexico is the fifth most affected country in the world with 4.21 million cases and 300,764 deaths according to official figures. The country falls towards the 20and place for the ratio of deaths per number of inhabitants.

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