Mexico | Four police injured in car bomb explosion

(Celaya) At least four police officers were seriously injured in a car bomb explosion in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, one of the most violent in the country, authorities said on Thursday.

Agents of the Guardia Nacional – a police force under the control of the army – were thrown to the ground when the vehicle they were inspecting exploded in Celaya. One of the four would have lost the right arm, according to the public ministry.

Guanajuato state governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez said a total of four officers were hospitalized.

The governor said the investigation focused on whether officers were lured to the car from a fake phone call. It is also a question of whether the target was not municipal police officers.

A total of 14 police officers have been murdered in Celaya this year, and 32 in the entire state of Guanajuato, according to official data.

Tourist and industrial, the state of Guanajuato was the most violent in Mexico last year with more than 3,000 homicides.

In Guanajuato, the Jalisco Nueva Generacion Cartel, the most powerful in the country, is at war with a local organization, Santa Rosa de Lima, for the control of drug trafficking and fuel theft.

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