Mexico City plans to host Biden and Trudeau for meetings in January

(Mexico City) Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced Friday that he will host meetings with US President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Mexico City early next year.

The North American summit, scheduled for January 9 and 10, will also include bilateral meetings with the two countries, López Obrador said. The Mexican president claimed in October that Mr Biden had already agreed to make the trip.

Neither the White House nor Canadian government officials have officially confirmed their attendance.

The three leaders met last year in Washington. These discussions usually focus on immigration, security and the economy.

However, this year, the United States and Canada filed a request for consultations with the Mexican government. This step precedes the filing of a commercial complaint about measures taken by the López Obrador administration to favor a Mexican state company in the electricity sector.

Both countries claim that favoring a domestic company over American and Canadian companies violates the US-Canada-Mexico Free Trade Agreement, known by the acronym CUSMA.

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