Metz Handball ruthless against Paris 92 (36-21)

They were expected, they responded. And in the strongest of ways. Four days after their defeat in the Champions League against Györ, the Dragonnes left no chance in Paris 92 on Wednesday at the Arènes. What was to be the shock of this 6th day of the Women’s League between two teams still undefeated in the league came to an end.

Folded in the first period

The players of Manu Mayonnade started off with a bang, taking to the open sea and constantly widening the gap (5-1, 7th – 12-3, 20th – 18-5, 30th), thanks to the efficiency of Micijevic and N’Gouan (7 and 6 goals each last night) in particular. Behind, Ivana Kapitanovic and a solid defense disgusted impotent Parisians who would remain silent for 16 minutes during the first period.

Imperial Kapitanovic

Despite this abysmal gap, the Dragonnes kept the rhythm of their offensive festival in the second half, Paris and its former Metz (Sajka and Niombla) still finding some success (24-10, 40th – 20-16, 50th). With 9 stops and 3 jets of 7 meters diverted, Ivana kapitanovic was one of the great architects of this success. Only negative point of the evening, the exit on injury of Emma Jacques, affected in the right knee. Metz Handball wins in the league (6 games, 6 wins) against a direct competitor at the top of the table.

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