#metoo lawsuit | Belgian artist Jan Fabre sentenced to 18 months suspended prison sentence

(Brussels) The Belgian artist and choreographer Jan Fabre, accused of “sexual harassment” within his dance company, was given an 18-month suspended sentence on Friday by the Antwerp Criminal Court.

Posted at 9:02

France Media Agency

A sentence of three years in prison had been requested against the visual artist, a figure of contemporary art, implicated by twelve ex-dancers from his company Troubleyn.

The court, however, considered that five of the charges dating back to between 2002 and 2005 were time-barred and acquitted him on a sixth.

On the other hand, he retained the “indecent assault” for a kiss with the tongue not consented to a complainant and the violence or humiliation suffered by five other dancers.

The Flemish artist, who denies all the charges brought against him, was absent at his trial as well as at the pronouncement of the sentence.

” Recognition ”

This judgment is “an important step” and “recognition” for the victims, reacted An-Sofie Raes, one of the lawyers for the civil parties, quoted by the Belga press agency.

“The victims of these behaviors now know that such acts are punishable,” she added.

Caught up by the #metoo wave in 2018 and tried for “violence, harassment or sexual harassment at work”, the 63-year-old Fleming faced up to five years in prison.

The 18-month sentence is accompanied by a stay of execution for a period of five years, during which Jan Fabre is deprived of his civic rights, specifies the copy of the judgment sent to the press.

The court considers that this sentence must “make Jan Fabre aware” of “the seriousness of his acts” and indicates that his decision takes into account “their repetitive nature” and “the impact” they had on the victims.

On March 25, the first day of the trial, he was portrayed by the civil parties as a tyrannical man, regularly humiliating the dancers and even practicing sexual blackmail on some.

One of the young women had described “a toxic work environment” during the investigation. Several alleged victims recounted photo shoots of an erotic nature directed by the choreographer, under the “false pretext” of publication in an artistic magazine. Some sessions ended with sexual intercourse.

Ignoring his advances could be worth bullying and brutality, testified one of them.

“Culture of Fear”

After this overwhelming portrait, three years in prison had been requested by the prosecutor. She found the testimonies of the victims “very credible” and criticized the choreographer for having established “a culture of fear” in the company.

His defense delivered during the trial a completely different image of Jan Fabre, portrayed as “romantic anar”, but certainly “not a criminal”.

His lawyer Eline Tritsmans admitted the “strong character” of the artist, known for his provocations, and the fact that working with him “is about giving 100%” in grueling performances where one aims for “the real exhaustion, the real emotions”.

“It is not a question here of defenseless minors who are abused, but of strong, educated women, who choose to go and do radical dance with Jan Fabre”, had pleaded Mand Tritsmans.

Flagship accusation of the file, summarizing in the eyes of the complainants its tendency to harassment, the formula “No sex, no solo” had been denounced by the lawyer as “a rumor, a gossip”.

The charges relate to the period 2002-2018. In June 2021, after three years of investigation, the Antwerp Labor Auditor, a specialized section of the prosecution, decided to refer Jan Fabre to criminal justice.

The works (drawings, sculptures) of this protean artist who explore the themes of death, metamorphosis or religion have been regularly exhibited in Europe, from Venice to Paris via Saint Petersburg. In 2002, he covered the ceiling of the hall of mirrors of the royal palace in Brussels with 1.4 million beetle elytra with blue and green reflections, one of his most famous achievements.

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