The orange “rain-floods” and “wind” vigilance is, however, lifted in Saône-et-Loire and Jura.
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The Kirk depression is moving away from France but the alert remains in place in certain places. In its 6 a.m. bulletin, Thursday October 10, Météo-France maintained six departments on orange alert for the risk of flooding: Eure-et-Loir, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Orne, Sarthe, Deux-Sèvres and Vendée. Seine-et-Marne remains on red alert for “floods” on the Grand Morin downstream, a sub-tributary of the Seine. School transport is also suspended in the department on Thursday.
On the other hand, the Orange “rain-floods” and “wind” vigilance is lifted in Saône-et-Loire and Jura. “The rain associated with the Kirk depression is weakening and gradually evacuating. Ahead, the south wind is still blowing in strong gusts over Burgundy-Franche-Comté”details the organization.
In its bulletin the public body confirms the overall improvement in the situation at the national level. The municipalities affected by the heaviest rainfall in recent hours, reaching or around 80 mm, were Montigny-le-Bretonneux (Yvelines), Noirmoutier (Vendée) and Nogent-le-Rotrou (Eure-et-Loir). “The severe weather associated with the Kirk Depression is gradually weakening and evacuating,” explains the organization.