Metallica Galvanized by Stranger Things

After Kate Bush’s meteoric rise in the charts, it’s Metallica’s turn to enjoy the effect Stranger Things.

Posted at 5:14 p.m.

Charles-Eric Blais-Poulin

Charles-Eric Blais-Poulin
The Press

The Season 4 finale, which aired on Netflix since last Friday, shows Eddie Munson’s character performing the trash metal song. Master of Puppets to distract horrible murderous bats, the demobats.

Heroic scene propelled Californians song to 28e rank of top 50 from Spotify Canada. It is always Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)a Kate Bush classic also unearthed by the most recent season of Stranger Things, which sits at the top of this daily chart. Both pieces date from the mid-1980s.

Still across the country, Master of Puppets appeared in the top 100 of Apple Canada, at 67e rank. In the United States, the piece of more than eight minutes is doing even better: it now slips into 29e rank of top 100 from Apple and at 12e rank of top 50 from Spotify.

Robert Trujillo, who joined Metallica in 2003, explained in an Instagram post that his 17-year-old son, Tye, and lead guitarist Kirk Hammett took part in the adaptation of Master of Puppets for the phenomenal series, which cleverly mixes science fiction and nostalgia.

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