Messenger RNA vaccines cause few serious side effects

Messenger RNA vaccines cause very few serious side effects. For 300 million doses injected in the United States, authorities report 0.01% serious side effects and 0.001% death.

These data were compiled by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control and recently published in the journal The Lancet.

Some 4,500 deaths occurring after the injection of the vaccine were thus listed by the American authorities during the first six months of the vaccination campaign. During this period, at least 315,000 Americans have died from COVID-19.

These data may seem “alarming”, nuance Dr. Alain Lamarre, immunology specialist at the National Institute for Scientific Research, but they do not guarantee proof of the lethality of vaccines. “These are reported deaths, but there is not necessarily a cause and effect. It’s not necessarily due to vaccination.”

These deaths, he says, occurred within days of vaccination and were duly reported by authorities, but do not prove that the vaccine kills. “There are probably no deaths, or very few, that are related to the vaccine.”

These vaccination-related deaths are mainly from heart problems, say the authors, who note that autopsy reports were not always available.

More than 80% of these deaths affected people over the age of 60. The majority of these sad events happened in the days immediately following vaccination.

Other serious complications are detailed, primarily heart problems, but also fatigue and nausea.

This text is taken from our newsletter “Coronavirus Mail” of March 14, 2022. To subscribe, click here.

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