Mercotte is 79 years old: his routine (impressive!) to keep in shape

Like every week, Wednesday is pastry on M6! Viewers have a date with a new issue of the twelfth season of the Best Pastry Chef. Cyril Lignac forms there as usual a shock duo with Mercotte who, despite his 79 years, does not weaken at all! It must be said that the host and food critic has a routine of her own to keep herself in shape and so that the gourmet desserts she tastes on a daily basis do not interfere with her health.

Indeed, during an interview for TV Z dating from 2016, she revealed her secret of her great energy. “My lifestyle! At home, in Savoy, I get up at 4 a.m. in summer and winter, walk 10 km every day and eat healthy. That’s probably the secret to my shape“, she thought.

She held the same speech four years later, in 2020, at the microphone of Europe 1 in the program of Anne Roumanoff. Mercotte then explained that he always continued to get up at dawn to practice his walk and travel between eight and ten kilometers a day in sneakers. An activity facilitated by its proximity to nature. “I have woods in front of my house, with a marked route“, she indicated.

And no question for the wife of André-Jean for 58 years to relax during the filming of the Best Pastry Chef, which still gives itself an extra hour of sleep. Because there again, everything is done so that she continues her sports sessions without excuses. “During filming, everything is fine, because we have a large park. Starting at 5 a.m., before makeup and all that, I do four castle towers. Which already makes me six or seven kilometers. I get up at 4 a.m. every day, so 5 a.m. is nothing to me.“, she confided again, specifying to go to bed “early“every evening to maintain such a rhythm. To make us feel guilty, it should be noted that Mercotte still lets go during the end-of-year holiday meals…

The Best Pastry Chef, this Wednesday, September 21, 2022 on M6 from 9:10 p.m.

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