Merchant must respond | The duty

In the latest polls, we learn that the popularity rating of Bruno Marchand as mayor of Quebec has fallen, and that almost half of the citizens of the national capital want a change at town hall. In this vein, Bruno Marchand affirmed “that we must listen” to the population and promised that he would “quickly” announce his colors regarding a possible candidacy for mayor of Quebec in 2025.

In my opinion, the hot streetcar issue will play a key role in the mayor’s decision. Bruno Marchand shows boundless determination in this matter which he considers crucial for the reputation of Quebec. The multiple pitfalls encountered by the tramway project force him to affirm “that we must listen” to the population.

In my opinion, the tramway is essential and, consequently, the mayor must continue to stand up and move forward with this project for a structuring public transportation network. In my mind, there is no doubt that the planets are aligned for us to follow through on this project.

On the other hand, as long as the Legault government is stuck in endless procrastination, Bruno Marchand must stay the course on the construction of the tramway, hoping that the provincial government will finally get involved. Until then, Bruno Marchand’s possible second mandate must be part of his future career plan.

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