MEPs reintroduce the “vital prognosis” involved in the eligibility criteria

The government’s initial version provided that the patient was suffering from “a serious and incurable condition with a life-threatening condition in the short or medium term”. The deputies returned to this criterion in committee.



Reading time: 1 min

The Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, Catherine Vautrin, on June 7, 2024 at the National Assembly.  (MAGALI COHEN / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The deputies approved the criteria opening the right to assistance in dying, Friday June 7, as part of the first reading examination of the bill relating to the end of life. Parliamentarians reintroduced the idea, deleted in committee, that the patient’s “vital prognosis” must be considered.

As it currently stands, the text opens this aid to people aged over 18, French or residing in France. They must suffer from a serious and incurable illness, in an advanced or terminal phase, which is life-threatening and causes refractory or unbearable physical or psychological suffering. They must also be able to express their will in a free and informed manner. Article 6 defining these criteria was approved by 51 deputies against 24.

The government’s initial version predicted that the patient would be affected “a serious and incurable condition with a life-threatening condition in the short or medium term”. In committee, the deputies returned to this criterion, deciding that the person should suffer “a serious and incurable condition in the advanced or terminal phase”. The general rapporteur Olivier Falorni (MoDem group) pointed out the “great difficulty in establishing what the medium term is”.

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