MEPs approached and paid to promote Moscow propaganda?



Video length: 2 min

European Parliament: MEPs approached and paid to promote Moscow propaganda?

An investigation launched by Czech intelligence services has revealed a large network of Russian influence at the heart of the European Parliament.


An investigation launched by Czech intelligence services has revealed a large network of Russian influence at the heart of the European Parliament.

The European Parliament is at the heart of the turmoil, because the accusation is serious. Does Vladimir Putin have agents of influence among MEPs? “Yes”the Belgian Prime Minister bluntly affirmed in front of Parliament. “We have seen that Russia approached MEPs and paid them to carry out Russian propaganda”, he declared, while the Belgian authorities did not name any names. The investigation was initiated by the Czech intelligence services, with the uncovering of a vast network of Russian influence.

Videos circulating on the Internet

There was a website, called “”. Based in Prague (Czech Republic), now closed, it belonged to Victor Medvedtchouk, a Russian oligarch. Although the site no longer exists, “Voice-of-Europe” videos are circulating on the Internet, in which many far-right deputies are interviewed, such as the French Patricia Chagnon. “I have been alerting the European Parliament to attempts at Russian interference within our institution for several years”testifies Nathalie Loiseau, MEP.

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