MEP Valérie Hayer has made her choice between Géraldine Bannier and Christophe Langouët

Valérie Hayer does not intend to leave the ranks during these legislative elections on June 12 and 19: “We have since last night (Sunday May 8), three names of candidates invested by the presidential majority in Mayenne, Yannick Favennec in the 3rd district, Béatrice Mottier in the 1st and Géraldine Bannier in the 2nd. Christophe Langouët, the mayor of Cossé -le-Vivien has indeed decided to run as an independent candidate and to step back from the presidential majority, he has proven himself as a local elected official, but as far as I am concerned my position is very clear, I support the candidates officially invested by the presidential majority. “

Objective in Mayenne: make the grand slam for the presidential majority

The 3 candidates supported by Emmanuel Macron will face men and women invested by the union of the left (France Insoumise, EELV and the PS). But that does not scare Valérie Hayer: “the objective is to make the grand slam for the presidential majority. The union of the left does not scare me, I think that the objective of course is to be mobilized to bring and guarantee this majority to the President of the Republic to continue to transform France. I think that this union is a union of circumstance, the PS and the Greens are in a compromise, which calls into question their own values, especially European ones.

Europe Day in the midst of war in Ukraine

Today (Monday 9 May) is Europe Day. A normal day of celebration, but with the war in Ukraine, the climate is heavy. If some think that the EU should intervene militarily, Valérie Hayer disagrees: “From the start, Europe has been alongside Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron and France too. There is a package of sanctions taken against Russia. The sanctions are effective and I believe that solidarity vis-à-vis of the Ukrainian people was strong and in my opinion Vladimir Putin had not anticipated this unity of the Europeans. We must continue, we must increase the sanctions to asphyxiate this war, we must do everything possible to make this war the shortest possible and prevent the financing of this war. The European Union is not a co-belligerent, we must also be able to protect Europe and the Europeans, we support Ukraine with money and arms.”

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