MEP RN Jérôme Rivière, spokesperson for Marine Le Pen, rallies Eric Zemmour

The person concerned was a member of the national office of the National Rally and spokesperson for Marine Le Pen’s campaign for the foreign press.

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National Rally MEP Jérôme Rivière, who was one of the spokespersons for Marine Le Pen’s presidential campaign, has joined Eric Zemmour’s team, the person announced at Parisian (article reserved for subscribers), Wednesday, January 19.

“I chose to support Eric Zemmour”, says the person concerned daily, believing that “Marine Le Pen is not in a position to win the presidential election”. Former UMP deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes, Jérôme Rivière was also a member of the national office (extended management) of the RN. He was Marine Le Pen’s campaign spokesperson for the foreign press.

The elected official specifies that he will become vice-president and spokesperson for the Reconquest party! of Eric Zemmour, like the ex-LR deputy Guillaume Peltier, who also rallied the former editorialist. Jérôme Rivière says he resigned from the RN and from his post as head of the RN delegation within the Identity and Democracy group in the European Parliament. This departure is part of “vicissitudes” of a campaign, it was a “very sour profile”, reacted the entourage of Marine Le Pen.

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