France must switch to a “war economy”, insists the MEP, head of the socialist list in the European elections.
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Raphaël Glucksmann, MEP, head of the Place publique and Socialist Party list for the European elections, calls for Monday February 26 on franceinfo “acts” to come to the aid of Ukraine, while France is organizing a support meeting in kyiv at the Élysée, with around twenty heads of state and government.
The Ukrainians have “need for weapons, ammunition, aviation, artillery”, he insisted, while kyiv ensures that half of Western weapons are delivered late. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly pressed his Western allies in recent days to deliver military assistance more quickly, calling in particular for ammunition, more air defense systems and fighter planes.
War threatens
The MEP, Raphaël Glucksmann, also called for more “serious” on sanctions against Russia. “They need us to seize the 200 billions of Russian state assets that are in our banks and which are simply frozen to this day”, he continued. According to him, “for two years” and the start of the war in Ukraine, European economies did not “not put in support mode” in kyiv. “This meeting must be an opportunity for immense awareness”he added. “Let us stop procrastinating, let us stop hesitating”, pleaded the essayist.
The opportunity for Raphaël Glucksmann to repeat his call for France to move into “war economy”. The head of the socialist list in the European elections in June pleaded for efforts on “production capacities”, the establishment of “long-term contracts with our manufacturers” and one “European-wide borrowing”. “The war economy also means asking the richest to contribute to the national effort”he also stressed, calling for a tax “much more durable and more massive” on the “war superprofits”.
The one who is also vice-president of the European Parliament’s subcommittee on human rights warned: “If we lose in Ukraine, if Ukraine collapses, if Vladimir Putin wins, then the war really becomes a threat to us.” “I would like us to understand that Ukraine is our first line of defense,” he added. According to him, the year 2024 can constitute “a moment of extreme change”.
“We are facing war on our continent, facing a dictator who is targeting us and at the same time, we are going to have an election in the United States which could bring Donald Trump to power.”
Raphaël Glucksmannat franceinfo
The former American president raised the possibility of no longer defending NATO countries reluctant to invest in their defense. For the MEP, the situation requires “a collective burst” For “May Europe finally become an adult.” “To be able to assume its own defense. This is the challenge facing us in the year 2024”he decided.