Manon Aubry was the guest of “6:20 p.m. franceinfo”, Thursday April 25.
Reading time: 9 min

“It’s quite funny that he is making his big de facto campaign entry speech at a time when we are voting in the European Parliament”deplored Thursday April 25 on franceinfo Manon Aubry MEP and head of the LFI list in the European elections of June 9.
According to her, “that says a lot, either of the contempt he has for the European Parliament, or of the record which shames him because it was the opportunity to take stock. Even if, we could ask the question of a form of privatization of State resources in the service of its candidate Valérie Hayer”.
“A Europe of arrogance”
“We wrote to the National Campaign Accounts Commission and Arcom to ask that the means used, the airtime used by Mr. Macron be deducted from the airtime of Valérie Hayer, head of the list macronist”. For Manon Aubry, there is no doubt, “we are six weeks away from the European elections” and with this speech at the Sorbonne, Emmanuel Macron “de facto presented Valérie Hayer’s program”.
In his speech Emmanuel Macron presented “a Europe of arrogance, of inequalities rather than a powerful and prosperous Europe, he used the word power several times to finally deplore for two hours the effects of the impotence that he has built for 7 years, since his last speech at the Sorbonne”, castigates Manon Aubry. “Emmanuel Macron made us beautiful promises and he disappeared for 7 years, the beautiful promises of sovereignty and equality that he made 7 years ago were thrown in the trash.”