Mental health is part of health care

We are citizens who have experienced challenges with our psychological health or that of our loved ones, like a large part of Quebecers. For the most part, we have used or wanted to use psychological services in recent years, or even help our loved ones to do so. We found ourselves faced with the lack of psychologists in the public sector.

We demand that immediate action be taken to counter the shortage of psychologists in the public network: it leads to a dangerous lack of access to mental health services. These measures should reflect the seriousness of the mental health crisis facing Quebec. The government must imperatively stop putting its head in the sand, especially with the fifth wave of COVID-19 which will be a tidal wave for the mental health of Quebeckers who are already exhausted.

We consider that not only do we have the right to receive the services of psychologists, but that they should be offered free and quickly in public institutions. We don’t find it normal that the health care system only provides for 12 to 20 sessions with a psychologist, often after one to two years of waiting. This short duration of treatment puts pressure on us to get better quickly, which is counterproductive and hinders our progress!

We deplore the fact that the system is organized and functions to maintain the scarcity of resources. In fact, the salaries of psychologists in the public network are much lower than those of psychologists in the private sector. Although it is sometimes difficult to find a shrink in the private sector, the significant departure of psychologists from the public sector to the private sector makes the situation all the more critical for people who cannot afford psychological services. Several positions remain vacant in public establishments, and their number is insufficient at the base.

When our doctor tells us we need to see a psychologist, it’s a psychologist we need to see. If our doctor refers us to a cardiologist, a nurse is not enough! Some of us have experienced work stoppages that have been prolonged due to difficulties in accessing psychologists. Increasing resources at 811 does not meet our needs, nor does hiring workers of all kinds. If we don’t see a psychologist, we end up seeing doctors repeatedly without getting the treatment we need. We find it unacceptable that the use of antidepressants is so widespread. Moreover, it has increased by 27% in the last two years among adolescents — without the government making any effort to increase access to psychologists in the network. Psychological services and psychosocial services are two essential needs, but when the situation requires psychological services, it is necessary to have access to them free of charge. We want to be able to see a psychologist when we need it. We demand that this fundamental right be respected!

Since it is almost impossible to have the services of a psychologist in the public network, many of us do not even register on the waiting lists. For the same reason, our family physicians rarely refer us to the public. The length of the waiting lists therefore does not reveal the real extent of the needs.

The Coalition of Psychologists of the Quebec Public Network offers clear solutions to bring psychologists back into the public network: better salary recognition and respect for their professional judgment to offer us the best treatment. In addition, we must reinvest in order to fill vacant positions and open new ones to meet the needs of the population. It is high time to put these solutions in place! […]

* This letter is co-signed by nearly 500 people.

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