Mental health | Countering our sense of helplessness in these uncertain times

Already weakened by two years of pandemic, housing crisis and constant inflation, the mental health of Quebecers is once again shaken by the war in Ukraine. Some people live in fear of a Third World War. In this context, it is quite normal to feel affected.

Posted at 11:00 a.m.

Renee Ouimet

Renee Ouimet
Director of the Quebec Mental Health Movement

But we are not all at the same level. According to the World Health Organization, major depressive disorders and anxiety disorders have increased by 27.6% and 25.5% respectively worldwide with the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s ask ourselves if this percentage would have been so high if we had had healthy societies and healthy workplaces.

Unfortunately, all these situations sometimes give us the feeling of having no choice, of being helpless. A great source of stress and anxiety follows.

If we looked at our leeway, we might feel less overwhelmed, with a greater sense of control. What are our possibilities of choice in the current context and within the limits of our individual, collective and social lives? Some people choose to go for information and do a 101 crash course in geopolitics. Others are going to demonstrate against the war in Ukraine dressed in yellow and blue, or are already organizing the reception of nationals, sending funds, limiting their listening to news bulletins. Still others try to continue on their way, to create little moments of happiness, to contribute to the common well-being. The psychologist and psychiatrist Boris Cyrulnik explained in one of his books that there is no “pure unhappiness”, that is to say that even in periods of pain, there are happy moments.

Before making choices, we can ask ourselves: what do I need? What do I want ? What is realistic right now? What will be the consequences of my choice? Do I feel able to take them on? Is my choice in line with my values?

Certainly, in order to choose, we must feel that we have – or can acquire – the personal resources and skills necessary to make it happen. Our sincere and caring connections will also help us achieve this.

The current context reminds us of the importance of contributing at all times to creating, developing and strengthening our mental health, because good mental health helps us face life’s difficulties. It does not prevent us from being troubled, shaken and suffering, but it gives us the means to act. It also allows us to fulfill our potential, contribute to the community and enjoy life.

It is all together that we can strengthen mental health. We can strengthen our own, but we must remember that good living conditions contribute greatly to it. Workplaces, governments, municipalities, schools, living environments for young people, adults and seniors all have a role to play.

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