Mental disorders due to organic disease

What is it about ?

An organic disease is the consequence of a disorder in the functioning of an organ. Mental disorders, such as confusion and memory impairment, can also occur with certain organic conditions and their treatment. The person does not react normally to their surroundings, they may be anxious and completely panicked. The causes can be, for example, an infection (urinary tract infection, infection of the nervous system, for example of the envelopes of the nervous system (meningitis)), metabolic disorders, drug side effects, substance abuse, a epilepsy, a cerebral infarction, a tumor in the brain or dementia.

What is their frequency?

Their frequency increases in proportion to the severity and impact of the underlying disease. They are also more common in older people, who are more susceptible to certain illnesses (such as infections), certain medications and their side effects.

How to recognize them?

The person who has them can hardly recognize them, but those close to them may notice changes in their behavior or their way of thinking or reasoning. This is certainly the case in an elderly person who has never had psychiatric symptoms before, and who suddenly develops them. Characteristic symptoms are confusion, memory impairment and hallucinations.

How is the diagnosis made?

The doctor may notice that you are confused, that you do not know what day it is (disorientation in time), that you do not know where you are (disorientation in space) or that you no longer see things. as clearly as they really are.

The doctor will more often think that your mental disorder is due to an organic condition such as infections,cerebral infarction, dementia, Parkinson disease, use of certain medications, drugs or alcohol, etc. The doctor will perform a blood test to rule out infection and a metabolic disorder (metabolic disorder).

What can you do ?

Do not take (extra) medication or stop your medication on your own, as this can trigger or worsen these symptoms. If someone close to you becomes confused, try to stay calm and convey your calm to them. Stay close to him and soothe him in familiar surroundings.

What can your doctor do?

The doctor will first find out whether the mental disorder is caused by an organic condition. If so, this cause should be treated. In the presence of a bacterial infection, for example, he will give antibiotics. If the problems are due to the side effects of drugs, the doctor will look for an alternative.


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Mental disorders due to organic disease’ (2000), updated on 24.08.2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 26.11.2019 – ebpracticenet