Memory problems: treatable causes

What is it about ?

Memory is an important function of our brain. We often associate memory problems in old age or dementia. If the memory problem is linked to old age or to dementia, the situation may be accompanied, but there is no really effective treatment.

Sometimes the causes of memory problems can be treatable. It is therefore important to (re) know these situations.

The treatable causes that can be the root cause of memory problems are as follows:


A depression is usually associated with mild symptoms due to lack of attention and concentration. Sometimes the symptoms are more pronounced and can increase suddenly and quickly. In depression, memory lapses often relate to recent and older events. In the dementia, the person remembers old events.

Vitamin deficiency

A deficiency of vitamin B12 or B1 (thiamine) can cause memory impairment. Vitamin B1 deficiency mainly affects people addicted to alcohol who have poor eating habits. In the extreme, in the case of Korsakov syndrome, the person presents with severe memory impairment.

Infectious diseases

Rare brain infections such as syphilis, the Lyme disease, the tuberculosis, etc. can cause memory problems. On the other hand, memory impairment can also be a sign of acute confusion, which sometimes occurs during infectious diseases in the elderly.

Other causes
  • a calcium metabolism disorder ;
  • A lazy thyroid (hypothyroidism) ;
  • An effusion of blood under the meninges, which does not drain properly (this problem occurs especially in the elderly);
  • A problem with the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, often as a result of another disease of the brain, such as meningitis, or to a trauma or brain surgery;
  • Chronic lung disease associated with a lack of oxygen in the brain and a build-up of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the blood;
  • An accumulation of wastes in the body as a result of impaired kidney and liver function, which decreases brain function;
  • A brain tumor benign or malignant;
  • A succession ofhypoglycemia severe in people with diabetes.

How to recognize them?

Memory problems show up with recent and older events. In addition to memory problems, there are often other symptoms of neurological origin. There may be an altered state of consciousness or evenepilepsy or motor disorders.

How is the diagnosis made?

The doctor will start by asking you questions about your symptoms. Chatting with the partner, children or other loved ones is also very helpful. If he suspects a treatable cause, the doctor will do a blood test.

If the doctor thinks there is a problem with the brain, he will order a brain scan.

What can you do ?

Contact a doctor if you think your memory is deteriorating quickly or if you are concerned that an illness is causing your memory impairment.

What can your doctor do?

It is important to recognize and treat a treatable cause. Deficiencies must be supplemented, infections must be treated, depression must be treated. Sometimes an effusion of blood under the meninges that does not resolve properly must be removed by an operation.


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Curable causes of symptoms and diseases linked to memory’ (2000), updated on 01.09.2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 20.12.2019 – ebpracticenet