members of the majority have signed a platform questioning his continuation in the government

The text, signed by a dozen parliamentarians and former ministers, is due out at the end of the week.

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Caroline Cayeux provides “to regret” his comments “stupid” of 2013 criticizing the opening of marriage to same-sex couples. In an interview at Parisian/Today in France Thursday, July 14, the new Minister of Territorial Communities tries a mea culpa. But according to information from franceinfo, members of the majority have signed a platform questioning his retention in government.

Caroline Cayeux and her team learned of the existence of this forum on Thursday morning. The text should be out at the end of the week. It is signed by a dozen parliamentarians and former ministers. According to a leading adviser, Matignon is aware of and even reread the interview given to the Parisian/Today in France before validating it. He assures franceinfo that a dozen current ministers are scandalized, behind the scenes, by the Caroline Cayeux affair and support this platform.

The Minister of Territorial Communities sent a parallel letter of apology to several associations fighting against homophobia. According to this same adviser, this letter was reread by the office of Isabelle Lonvis-Rome, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister who is also Minister for Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equality. chances.

Tuesday, July 12, Public Senate asked Caroline Cayeux if she maintained her statements of 2013 “on marriage for all and adoption for same-sex couples, described as reform of whim and design that goes against nature”. The Minister first said: “I obviously stand by my words. But I have always said that the law, if it were passed, I would apply it”. And to add: “I must tell you anyway: I have a lot of friends among these people. Frankly, it’s a bad trial that I’m being made and it upset me a lot.”

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