Referring to “exhausted law enforcement”, the Minister of Labor explained that “it is normal to prioritize” the mobilization of law enforcement.
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The Minister of Labor confirms this Sunday on France Inter that “we have been asked to only organize public trips when necessary“. And that, assures Olivier Dussopt, because “our law enforcement is exhausted” by the demonstrations against the pension reform that he defends.
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Olivier Dussopt adds that “this does not mean prohibiting all travel“. For him, this decision is “necessary” because “our police forces are mobilized every evenings”.
“Not to blame the disorder on the police forces”
According to the Minister of Labour, “this weekend is a beautiful illustration (…) with thousands of police [des gendarmes] who must be mobilized in Sainte-Soline against the rioters“, during the violent clashes this Saturday in Deux-Sèvres with demonstrators who denounce the installation of bedpans. Thus, “it is normal to prioritize“the mobilization of law enforcement agencies.”What I find serious is that our police forces are so mobilized to deal with phenomena of violence“, he concludes.
The Minister also felt that we should not “not blame the disorder on the police force“after the violent clashes in Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres) on Saturday March 25, which denounces “worrying violence“. Olivier Dussopt affirms that he “must be very careful not to invert the value scales“, adding that “The problem is not the police. The problem is the troublemakers, the thugs and the rioters“.
According to him, “when there are bad gestures, faults committed by the police, there are investigations and there are sanctions“.”The left-wing leaders who spoke for Sainte-Soline of a ‘walk in the fields’ while at the same time we have images, of police officers who are under fire from mortars and Molotov cocktails (…), n ‘let’s not reverse the values“, he denounces.