Olympic champion, apprentice pastry chef, same fight!
The two worlds have, a priori, nothing to do. However, they are not so far apart according to Méline Nocandy. They require the same investment, and the choices can have the same effects. It’s the message delivered by the center-half of Metz Handball and the French team at the apprentices in training at the Metz-Queuleu Chamber of Trades and Industry, whom she met on Tuesday January 26 for a question and answer session.
We are sometimes seen as superheroes, but we are human beings. Without work, one cannot succeed. Me, I train to score goals, they to make cakes. Meline Nocandy.
For two hours, the Guadeloupean, barely older (23 years old) than some who came to listen to her, spoke of her intense pace of life, her baccalaureate prepared a few hectometres from the chamber of trades, at Robert-Schumann high school, or else his choice of combining professional career and studies to become a dietitian once her career is over.
– Thomas Lavaud
She did not dodge any questions, including the most personal on the pay gap between handball players and handball players, or the agreement allowing players to keep their salary during pregnancy. “Handball is very physical. Beautician too, it’s physical. There is also a mental burden because you have to behave well in front of customers. In this, it looks like handball” says Marion, in the first year of CAP Esthétique.