Mélenchon, Roussel and Le Pen in the countryside



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On the far left side, Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) continues his visit to Guadeloupe before going to Martinique, and Fabien Roussel (PCF) is in Reunion. Marine Le Pen (RN) will also travel to the island via Mayotte where she achieved one of her best scores in 2017.

The far-right candidate had achieved a score of 43% against Emmanuel Macron, in the second round of the 2017 presidential elections. Two years later, Marine Le Pen had led the way in the European elections, by collecting 46% of Mayor’s votes. “It is therefore on fairly favorable ground that Marine Le Pen arrives here in Mayotte for the fifth time (…) For her, this department represents the carelessness, the laissez-passer, and the laissez-faire of the State”, explains journalist Valéry Lerouge, live for France 2.

The fight against immigration and insecurity are among its main motivations within the archipelago, due to an immigration rate which increases every year. “The border police are failing to stop illegal immigration. Every day, there are nearly ten fishing canals arriving on the coasts with hundreds of Comorians”, says the journalist.

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