Mélenchon at all costs!

“Sunday 8:00 p.m., end of the presidential election. 8:01 p.m., start of the legislative elections! That’s the circus never stops. No downtime. We have to feed the beast again and again. So much the better. It’s true that fifteen days without seeing Eric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, that’s starting to do a lot for me. Jean-Luc Mélenchon was the worst loser of the Fifth Republic. The guy was beaten in 2012, 2017 and 2022. Three times losers. And he is the one who says that the person who has won twice is not really the winner. Basically, the person who has won has lost. So, after having wanted the position of President, now he wants that of Prime Minister. It seems that Mélenchon’s melon is visible to the naked eye from the international space station. Nah, but let’s elect him, we’re talking about it more. Otherwise, the guy in two months, we’ll see him present for the election of the trustee of the building under the banner “the insoumise landowner. The building caretaker, it’s me! And p But if that doesn’t work, he will want to be president of a football club or class representative in a college.”

We are not immune to making a good show

Find your daily dose of good humor with Willy Rovelli and his tribe in “We are not immune to doing a good show”, every day from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. on France Bleu.

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