Mélanie Thierry and the milestone of 40 years: the actress “better in her sneakers”, she explains why

On February 16, Mélanie Thierry will be back at the cinema in The True Family, a drama directed by Fabien Gorgeart. The opportunity for the actress to grant a new interview to the magazine Female Version of January 31 and to evoke several aspects of his private life: the milestone of 40 years, the new profession of writer of his companion Raphaël, their family refuge in Brittany…

On July 17, the Caesarized actress celebrated her forty candles. A course that she passed rather serenely: “I now accept the idea of ​​not having done things in an established order, of not having had my baccalaureate, for example, because I built myself differently (…). Short, I feel better in my sneakers than when I was 20 and I no longer assume my femininity, she explains. Besides, I intend to take advantage of it because I fear that the shooting window is quite short!

In the cinema too, Mélanie Thierry has gained confidence: “I won’t go so far as to say that I’m more sure of myself, because I’ll have impostor syndrome for life, but as the filmmakers give me good roles and I prove myself , even though I didn’t go to drama school, I take more responsibility for being an actress: I’m less afraid of the camera, of playing, of getting naked“, confides the star of the films The Princess of Montpensier, The Last for the Road or goodbye up there.

Blooming in her life as an actress, Mélanie Thierry is also on the heart side. It has now been 20 years since she shared her life with the singer Raphaël, who was also of great support during the funeral of his friend Gaspard Ulliel. Mother of two boys, aged 13 and 8, the actress was naturally inspired by her own experience to interpret her character in The True Family : that of Anna, who lives with her husband, her two little boys and Simon, a child placed with them by Social Assistance since the age of 18 months, who is now 6 years old. One day, Simon’s biological father expresses a desire to regain custody of his son. It’s heartbreaking for Anna…

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