Mélanie Laurent: This famous ex who fell “madly in love” when he saw her…

If he speaks of it only very rarely, Julien Boisselier has been marked by his love affair with Mélanie Laurent. Together from 2006 to 2009, the two actors who have rebuilt their lives today shared a beautiful romance, marked by a sublime film which allowed them to meet, I’m fine, don’t worrydirected by Philippe Lioret.

In this feature film, released in 2006, Mélanie Laurent played Lili, a young girl whose twin Loïc had left without warning and had left her alone. Hailed by critics and spectators, it won a César for best female hope for the actress and a César for Best Supporting Role for Kad Merad, overwhelming. But if there is an actor whose life he has definitely changed, it is Julien Boisselier, who fell in love with it.

Asked this Monday morning by Nagui and Leila Kaddour Boudadi in The original band on France Inter, he was very moved by listening to the song again Lili, composed by the group Aaron for the soundtrack of the film. Telling that it has it”Mark“, he ended up admitting the reason for his confusion: this tune so well known and melancholic reminds him of his meeting with Mélanie Laurent.

Now we can say it, there is prescription“, he explains. “I arrive in the reading room, we have the script, I see Mélanie Laurent and I fall madly in love with this girl. I lived a beautiful life adventure with her for 4 years. It’s a whole, it’s a part, it’s a moment of my life, it’s an encounter with a real too, a story…

Very touched by this film, he also remembers the moment when he heard the song for the first time. “We’re at my house, I remember, she has a little dictaphone, she makes me listen to it. She tells me hey, I have a friend who sings, I would like to suggest that to Philippe Lioret. What do you think about it ?“The actor is immediately conquered by the voice of Simon Buret, who makes a small appearance in the film elsewhere.

He had recorded that with his guitar, alone and I hear that voice. I say to myself but it’s a crazy thing! She proposed it to Philippe, he had the intelligence to take it for the soundtrack of the film. Besides, she counts a lot on this soundtrack“, he concludes, before Nagui adds a little anecdote: it was while listening to this tune that the director decided to change the character’s first name to Lili, to better stick to the song.

Today, Mélanie Laurent and Julien Boisselier have each rebuilt their lives. The actor lives with Clémence Thioly, also an actress, with whom he became a father in 2015 of a little Louis. Mélanie Laurent meanwhile had a son, Léo, in 2013 with a cinema technician. In a relationship since with an American, she welcomed a little girl, Milla, in 2019.

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