Mélanie Dedigama single: breakup with Vincent, the reasons revealed

It’s sad news that Melanie Dedigama and vincent announced during a live Instagram, August 7, 2022. The candidate of Secret Story 10 (2016) and the charming brunette revealed that they are no longer a couple today and explained why.

Four years ago, Mélanie Dedigama formalized the fact that she was in a relationship. If at the time, she had not wished to reveal her identity, she presented it in The Battle of the Couples in 2019. But today, their relationship is over. An idyll that ended before the young woman left to shoot for the new reality TV of W9 The 50. “Vincent and I separated a long time ago, a few weeks or even a few months ago.. We said nothing because we wanted to be sure that we were making the right decision. That we don’t regret our choices and that we don’t go back on this decision that had been made. On top of that, I think Vincent and I have always lived normally. And we wanted to experience a normal breakup, like everyone else, not exposed“, first confided the reality TV candidate.

Mélanie Dedigama quickly clarified that Vincent and her got along”extremely well“and that they were still living together at the moment. “It’s true that when we separated, we wanted to take the time to live together and to know if we were making this decision definitively. Following that, more than two and a half months ago, I was called to go on filming. And we thought that whatever happened, it was better for Naya that Vincent live here and take care of her with our nany. We will always do everything for Naya, she comes first. (…) The reasons for our break-up do not concern anyone. But there was no betrayal, no deceit, no lies“, she continued.

If she did not wish to say more about the reasons for their breakup, Vincent specified that they weren’t the same people they were when they met. Despite everything, they get along well as friends. “To be honest with you for a little while one time we were together, another not. And finally we realized that our relationship was better when we weren’t in a relationship.“, he clarified. In conclusion, Mélanie Dedigama explained that they were going to continue to live in Dubai, “but separately“. Despite everything, everyone will see Naya (2 years old) every day.

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