Mel C reveals she was sexually assaulted

Member of the Spice Girls, Mel C revealed on Wednesday that she had been sexually assaulted. This incident, which she has “buried” in her mind for many years, is said to have happened the day before the British group’s first concert in 1997.

Posted at 10:20 a.m.

Veronique Larocque

Veronique Larocque
The Press

“We were in Istanbul. We were doing two shows there. We had never done a full concert before. We had been practicing for weeks […]. It all led to what I always wanted to do and always wanted to be,” Melanie Chisholm told journalist and author Elizabeth Day on the podcast. How to Fail.

“We were the day before the first Spice Girls concert and I treated myself to a massage at the hotel,” she continued. It was during this massage that she was allegedly assaulted.

“I buried the incident immediately, because there were other things I had to focus on,” said the also known as Sporty Spice.

The singer claims it was while writing her autobiography Who I Am, which appears this week in the United Kingdom, that the episode resurfaced in his memory. “I felt very vulnerable. I felt embarrassed,” she said.

“I think it was very important for me to talk about it,” added the Spice Girl.

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