Mehdi Djaadi (Black box) ex-Muslim: the actor explains his Christian conversion

Guest on the set of the show We are live February 26, 2022, actor Mehdi Djaadi confided with emotion how he had converted to the Christian religion when he had until then been raised in the Muslim tradition. “I’ve always been searching for the truth he explains, I was lucky to have parents who educated me in the Muslim culture.(…) I never imagined being a Christian, I knew Christianity but from the Muslim point of view. And then I had access one day to the gospels and I was first touched by the message of Jesus in the gospels. There was almost a romantic encounter, a real love at first sight for his message, his life, for this life also given to others. This absolute love really got me.”

Curious, Léa Salamé – who was recently affected by the Covid – asks him: “And you weren’t torn inside to feel this attraction for another religion? As if you were a traitor to your religion?“.”Not at first because it’s like when you’re in love, love makes you blind so I went for it. Indeed I did not realize that it was going to hurt my parents, my family, even today“, confides the 35-year-old actor seen in particular in Black Box.

Does it hurt them that you changed your religion?“, adds the host. “Well they love me so here it is but…“, he replied. “Your parents, you are reconciled, but it is still a bit complicated with your brothers and sisters?” adds Laurent Ruquier. “It’s a little complicated with my brothers and sisters but finally it’s rare that relations between brothers and sisters go well. My parents, love prevails and I try to honor them as I can“, explains Mehdi Djaadi.

To conclude, the actor recounts the event “mystical” that he lived while he was in an abbey and which definitively convinced him that he had immense faith in Jesus. One day, he explains that he felt his love unconditionally. He says: “I was facing the monstrance and I felt like I felt it physically“. A wonderful story that the actor has staged in his show Coming out at the Théâtre du Petit Montparnasse from January 5 to April 27, 2022.

The show We are live attracted 796,000 viewers between 11:30 p.m. and 1:30 a.m., corresponding to a market share of 12.4%.

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