Meghan Markle’s hair look at the Elizabeth II funeral surprises, this XXL accessory that no one could miss!

Just over 10 days after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, aged 96, the London Bridge plan continues. This September 19, the longest reigning British monarch in history (just behind our Sun King, Louis XIV) will be buried around 8.30 p.m. in the royal vault in the King George VI Memorial, Windsor. Before that, the powerful of this world, and the royal family gathered with more than 2000 people, in Westminster Abbey for a funeral service in London.

Meghan Markle makes a noticeable comeback

And Meghan Markle, initially shunned by the rest of the Windsor clan – on September 8, she was asked not to come with her husband, Prince Harry, to Balmoral – found her place, in the center of the photo. She, who has multiplied the attacks on the Crown since she left London and her place within the institution for the United States, was thus very discreet on Monday, while a chair of choice left her had been booked.

Arriving in one of the motorcade cars, which descended the Mall, she shared the path from Buckingham Palace with Sophie Wessex, Prince Edward’s wife. She then entered Westminster Abbey in a black cape dress by Stella McCartney. For the occasion, and as tradition dictates, she had also hung a huge black hat on her hairstyle, which almost hid her face. She took her place in the church grounds just behind her stepfather, King Charles, seated next to her husband, Prince Harry.

>> See also: Absolute embarrassment for Meghan Markle: came to greet fans of the British royal family, she is humiliated and snubbed by a woman!

What upset the words she had made, describing herself as an outcast, within her beautiful family. As proof, in his very first royal speech, on Friday September 9, King Charles III (who had led her to the altar on her wedding day) for his part expressed his love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas“.

Hasn’t she overdone it?

Then, on September 10, Prince William and Kate Middleton had made a remarkable outing with the Sussexes, in front of Windsor Castle. For more than an hour, they had greeted the public, gathered in front of the gates of the castle, who had come to salute the memory of Queen Elizabeth II. An image that will go down in history.


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