Meghan Markle: This couple of stars with whom she had to settle accounts

Alone against the world ! As biographer Tom Bower recently revealed in his book Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors that Meghan Markle was in conflict with her sister Samantha, it seems that the Duchess of Sussex has encountered some problems with a very famous couple from the United Kingdom: David and Victoria Beckham. The latter is accused by the wife of prince Harry of having disclosed information about him in the press.

“Convinced they were being persecuted by lies and racism, they felt victimized by the slightest criticism. Harry’s instability fueled Meghan’s fears that friends were leaking stories to the media” can be read in this book.

“Meghan was furious”

The origin of the problem: an article from the Sun, published in 2017, in which were listed hairdressers and stylists that the former star of Spice Girls reportedly advised Meghan Markle. “Victoria and Meghan hit it off from the start. When Meghan moved to London, Victoria shared a whole load of beauty tips, but soon after some of them appeared in the press and Meghan was furious“, reported the English tabloid.

A situation that would have pushed prince Harry to explain himself with David Beckham, in order to make things clear. “So Harry, very protective of Meghan, decided to deal with the matter head-on, directly contacting his good friend, David“, we learned. Except that the former footballer would have immediately “handed over“The Duke of Sussex”in its place“.”It later turned out that the leak was probably from a beauty salon. Then they got things back on track, but it took a few months“, added the British media.

Difficult for all that to know the current state of the relationship between the two couples. Anyway, this case is likely to unleash passions!

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