Meghan Markle, soon beauty products? Astonishing rapprochement with a disputed firm

After securing their financial independence thanks to juicy contracts with Netflix and Spotify, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could continue to expand the scope of their post-Megxit. According to the information of the Daily Mail published on October 7, 2021, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex may well team up with the California marketing firm Guthy-Renker, specializing in the direct sale of beauty products in association with celebrities …

At the start of 2021, the parents of Archie and Lilibet (2 years and 4 months) made several trips to the luxury ranch owned by Bill Guthy (co-founder of Guthy-Renker) not far from their home, in Santa Barbara. Meghan Markle’s mother Doria Ragland even paid a visit with them since she was spotted in the back of their Range Rover. Was the couple scouting for their famous truth interview with Oprah Winfrey, which aired in March? Satellite photo in support, the tabloid indeed suggests that the interview may have been filmed in the garden of Bill Guthy’s property.

The understanding between the couple and the 66-year-old entrepreneur – at the head of an estimated fortune of 500 million dollars – is such that it is aboard one of his private jets that the Sussexes returned from their trip to New York last September. Are the Duke and Duchess preparing to do business with the American firm? Is Meghan Markle planning to launch her own line of beauty products? The 40-year-old ex-actress might just be inspired by the millions of dollars that Cindy crawford pocketed thanks to its hair products launched with this company. Other personalities such as Jennifer Lopez, Brooke Shields, Justin Bieber, Heidi Klum or Katy Perry have already been associated with Guthy-Renker ads.

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