Meghan Markle pregnant with her third child? The crazy rumor has invaded the Web since THIS appearance!

On September 10, two days after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry made a remarkable appearance alongside Kate Middleton and Prince William. Noticed because they were finally united after distancing themselves. “The Prince of Wales invited the Duke and Duchess to join him and the Princess of Wales. (He) thought it was an important show of unity at an incredibly difficult time for the family.”, would have entrusted a source close to the family. While the Times revealed that the reunion would have been orchestrated by William himself, resulting in 45-minute negotiations and a delay for the official presentation.

This meeting was commented on at all costs, detailing everyone’s outfits as well as their behavior. And it is around Meghan Markle that all eyes are now riveted on the Web. According to internet users, the former actress would be pregnant with her third child. But why? A (very) small belly and placements of hands of a pregnant woman according to some. “Watching them walk, we realize that Meghan is pregnant. You can see it from a mile away!“, “If you look closely you will see that Meghan rests her hand gently on the top of her pregnant belly. It’s kinda hard to see it though“, can we read on Twitter. In less two, here are running from crazy rumors maternity!

It must be said that Meghan Markle is certainly the member of the royal family most scrutinized by the whole world for having shaken up the strict codes of Buckingham Palace and abandoned the United Kingdom for California with Prince Harry. Across the Atlantic, Meghan Markle swims in full star system alongside Serena Williams and Mariah Carey, in addition to freeing herself from the dress codes of Buckingham Palace. In short, she sends everything waltzing and for that, she constantly makes the headlines. We idolize her, we hate her and we attach a whole bunch of labels to her, like that of diva, as much as we accuse her of everything and anything. Recently, Meghan Markle was even accused of having “killed” the queen. In question, the chapter of Megxit, which would have caused a lot of worries to the queen…

Antoine FM

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