Meghan Markle pregnant? A crazy rumor shakes the web

Will Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s family grow? This hypothesis, many Internet users have supported it since the two brothers met this Saturday, September 10 with their wives on the outskirts of Windsor. While no one would have bet on such an event, Harry and William appeared together. A way to slightly erase the rumors of tension around their relationship and to show their unity in these difficult times. But the possible reconciliation has given way to a crazy rumor.

Internet users are convinced of this. Meghan Markle is pregnant with her third child. In question ? The forms that the ex-actress displayed in her black dress. The Duchess of Sussex unveiled a very small belly which was enough to ignite the web and trigger the craziest rumors concerning the imminent arrival of a little brother or a little sister for Archie, 3 years old and Lilibet, 1 year old.

The main interested parties obviously did not react to the pregnancy attributed to Meghan Markle, the spirit turned to the disappearance of Queen Elizabeth II and probably also because Kate Middleton’s sister-in-law could simply not be pregnant: the “forms” that have raised doubts are as much that of a woman as the others. One thing is certain, if that were the case, Meghan Markle would surely take her time before confirming the news.

In November 2020, Meghan Markle spoke in a tribune of the New York Times. The actress confessed to having suffered a miscarriage before becoming pregnant with little Lilibet: “It was a July morning that had started out as ordinary as any other day, she confided. After changing Archie’s diaper, I felt a sharp pain, I sat on the floor, with my son in my arms, humming a lullaby to calm us both, this joyful tune providing a stark contrast with my feeling that something was wrong. I knew, as I hugged my first child, that I was losing the second.“A poignant testimony that had moved many fans…

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