Meghan Markle obnoxious with her employees? This investigation, which says a lot about his methods…

Nothing is going well between Meghan Markle and the British royal family. Since the “Megxit” affair in 2020, relations between the Duchess of Sussex and the Windsors have continued to be strained. But according to the DailyMail the disagreement between the staff of the Sussex couple would have started as soon as Meghan Markle arrived on the throne in 2018 during her marriage to Prince Harry.

Crying and terrified employees

This disagreement between the staff of the Sussex couple and Meghan Markle even motivated the British royal family to launch an investigation into the Duchess of Sussex in 2021. This investigation relates to events that allegedly took place between the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2020 at Kensington Palace. All of the couple’s employees have been asked to testify about Meghan’s practices which most employees describe as harassment. By entering the Windsors, she would have put pressure on Prince Harry’s staff to make many changes. An employee of Prince Harry’s staff allegedly accuses Meghan Markle of demanding that a butler serve coffee to her husband. Some employees have admitted to being in tears and terrified by the methods of the Sussex couple who allegedly tried to intimidate their employees. Charges that Meghan Markle’s lawyers denied by denouncing a “calculated smear campaign, based on misleading and harmful information.”

Attacked from all sides, Meghan Markle was able to count on the support of her friends, one of whom told the magazine People : “I walked by one day, and she had ordered an amazing ice cream and sorbet stand for the office. They were saying it was the best day at work ever. It warmed my heart. see continue to be her and bring her style to the UK.”

For her part, Queen Elizabeth II wants to keep the conclusions of this report launched in 2021 secret. According to a source close to Buckingham Palace: “The Queen thinks there has been enough attention around the Sussexes and wants to get this story over with.”

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