Meghan Markle irritated: her half-sister Samantha is still acting up…

Will the Duchess of Sussex ever reconcile with her paternal family? Not so soon … Meghan Markle is this time the subject of a new complaint for defamation filed by her half-sister Samantha Markle, the eldest daughter of her father Thomas Markle. The 57-year-old American accuses her of lying during her truthful interview with Oprah Winfrey, which aired on American television in March 2021.

According to information from the American site TMZ, reported on March 3, 2022, Samantha Markle accuses her famous half-sister of having distorted, even invented, childhood memories evoked during the filmed interview. She criticizes Prince Harry’s wife for forcing the line on her modest childhood and the fact that she had to work to pay for her studies. According to Samantha Markle, their father Thomas paid for his youngest to be enrolled in “elite private schools”, before financing her studies at Northwestern University.

She also criticizes him for having affirmed that she was an “only child”, while she has a half-sister and a half-brother, Thomas Markle Jr. Meghan Markle would also have lied by claiming to have seen Samantha for the last times “at least 18, 19 and 10 years ago before that“. Why would Meghan Markle lie like this about her past? According to her half-sister, the Duchess of Sussex would have done everything to cut herself off from her paternal family, so that she could not contradict this “false narrative” and his “fairy tale story“.

Already last November, Samantha Markle hinted that she was planning to sue her half-sister in the United States. Shortly after the Sussexes’ interview with Oprah Winfrey aired, she was outraged in the interview and replied that no, she hadn’t gone back to the name “Markle” when Meghan started dating Prince Harry in 2016. So many reproaches that Samantha Markle had compiled in the first volume of her memoirs, released in January 2021, entitled The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister Part 1 (which could be translated as The Diary of the Urgent Princess Sister, Part 1).

Archie and Lili deprived of their families

At odds with her paternal family since her royal wedding, celebrated in May 2018, Meghan Markle only shares her life as a duchess with her mother Doria Ragland. The latter was the only one to represent the Markle family at the wedding in Windsor. Thomas Markle was also invited, but he missed the ceremony at the last moment, held back by serious heart problems. The septuagenarian retiree, living in Mexico, broke all ties with his daughter by organizing a fake paparazzade, by multiplying embarrassing interviews in the media and above all, by relaying a letter from Meghan in an English tabloid. A final act of betrayal that almost brought them together in court…

In their luxurious cocoon of Santa Barbara, Archie (soon to be 3 years old) and Lilibet (8 months), the children of Meghan Markle and Harry, therefore grow up far from their American family, with their grandmother Doria as their only close relative, but also far of their royal paternal family.

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