Meghan Markle intractable with Kate Middleton, her whim at Buckingham Palace proves it

Gradually, behind the scenes of the relationship between Meghan Markle, Prince Harry and the rest of the royal family are revealed. UK Crown fans can thank Valentine Lowe and her book Brokers: The Hidden Power Behind The Crown, to the revelations against Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. If we imagine that integrating a royal family and giving pride of place to protocol is not a cakewalk, the Duchess would not have been irreproachable throughout her presence at the palace. Towards Kate Middleton in particular.

In a new excerpt unveiled by the British media and taken up by The Sun, we learn that the quarrel between Kate and Meghan did not end with flat and simple excuses. At the time, no one knew, but a meeting of bridesmaids for Meghan and Harry’s wedding goes wrong between the two sisters-in-law. The media then claim that the Duchess of Cambridge ended up in tears because of the bride-to-be. Statement contradicted by Meghan in person, claiming that Kate had made her cry.

For fear of seeing public opinion turn against her, Meghan Markle then demanded that the palace react officially in a press release restoring this truth. Request that he could not honor given the private and childish nature of the case: “After trying on dresses, Meghan became obsessed with convincing the palace press service to come to her defense by denying the facts“His mission failed:”He was adamant that exposing personal stories of feuds between royalty would be a huge mistake.”

This is not the only thing that we learn from the former American actress in the work of Valentine Lowe. It is not only with Kate Middleton that the tone would have risen. She would also have shown all the colors to the staff dedicated to her. He even calls her “narcissistic sociopath“for whom earning money for personal gain was the main motivation. Prince Harry was apparently no better. Judged”contemptuous” and “rude“, he was not shy to send “terrible emails.” Not really the class.

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