Meghan Markle: her daughter Lilibet baptized during the jubilee? This intriguing answer

This is a great first for little Lilibet Diana, who discovers her British roots on the occasion of Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee. But the 70 years of the Queen’s reign are not the only date to mark a milestone this week… since the daughter of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry celebrates her first birthday on June 4, 2022. Finally present in England , officially presented to her great-grandmother who had previously only seen her by videoconference, will the little girl take advantage of the trip to be officially baptized?

This weekend is in honor of the Queen

Such a decision would eclipse, it must be said, the sovereign highlighted from June 2 to 5, 2022 in England. It’s unlikely, assures, however, Marc Roche, author of the book The Borgias at Buckingham, to the magazine gala . This weekend is in honor of the Queen and nothing can steal the spotlight from the one who is at the center of this platinum jubilee. PMaybe they’ll stay and next week we’ll learn that they’ve organized a baptism… But in my opinion, The Queen will refuse the baptism at Windsor because they are no longer part of the Royal Family.” It would not be the first time that the Duchess and Duke of Sussex have been deprived of a privilege, having left the country at the same time as the responsibilities of their former royal status.

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