Meghan Markle facing Charles III: this very daring request that the Duchess made to the king

Unsurprisingly, Meghan Markle was the subject of many remarks during the funeral of Elizabeth II on September 19, 2022. Her arrival at Westminster Abbey sparked an embarrassed silence, her outfit was much commented on and her place alongside her husband Prince Harry in the religious building as during the procession did not go unnoticed. After ten intense days of tributes to Her Majesty and speculation about her strained relationship at the royal ‘Firm’, the former actress is said to have asked for a one-on-one interview with her husband’s father, King Charles III .

According to expert Neil Sean quoted by the DailyMail, Meghan Markle would like to have an interview with Charles III before leaving for the United States, where she has been living since 2020 with Harry and their two children Archie (3 years old) and Lilibet (1 year old). A request she would have written in a very formal letter to the sovereign, hoping to have a private conversation with him. The specialist who works for NBC News or even Access Hollywood states that his information comes from a very reliable source.

If this formal request – as is the custom when addressing the king – may seem audacious or even out of place for some, it appears to Neil Sean as a very courageous attempt to appease relations between the king and his youngest son: “This could be the opportunity to clear things up, to separate the wrongs from the truths, and to explain the real reasons for what they have been doing for the past two years..” He adds : “Whatever we think of Meghan, we have to admire her confidence.“Remains that the correspondent does not advance on the effects of this hypothetical interview:”Honestly, we don’t know if this will help things.”

Many tensions with the royal family

It must be said that relations between the Harry-Meghan couple and the royal family have been very complicated since the lovers decided to move away from the Crown, a choice confirmed with the withdrawal of Harry from his royal duties, which explains why he was not allowed to wear his uniform during ceremonies in tribute to Elizabeth II, except for the vigil of the princes or why he did not attend the invitation to Buckingham Palace of world dignitaries on the eve of the funeral. A distance which is manifest in the very cold attitude between the two brothers, now qualified as “enemies”.

To top it off, Meghan Markle was singled out for being the only one to shed a tear publicly at the funeral of her husband’s grandmother, who was called a hypocrite after criticizing her in-laws so publicly. That being the case, other members of the royal family have been seen shedding tears, such as Camilla, the Queen consort. Note that in homage to the sovereign during her funeral, she had chosen to wear the free earrings she had given her for her engagement with Harry.

In her highly controversial 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle had not been kind to the royal family as a whole, but had some kind words for Queen Elizabeth II: “She was always warm and welcoming.“So the heroine of Suits had expressed many criticisms in her experience at Buckingham, while emphasizing the dignity and benevolence of the Queen. After this highly publicized interview, Elizabeth II reacted in a press release: “The whole royal family is very saddened to see how very difficult these last years have been for Harry and Meghan“, could we read. “Harry, Meghan and Archie [Lilibet n’était pas encore née] will always be much loved members of the family.”

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