Meghan Markle chats with Sophie Grégoire in her podcast

Former American actress Meghan Markle and wife of Prince Harry spoke with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife, Sophie Grégoire, in a new episode of her podcast, Archetypes.

Posted at 3:59 p.m.

Laila Maalouf

Laila Maalouf
The Press

Meghan Markle revealed to Newsweek that she “had a great time” meeting Sophie Grégoire for the episode dubbed Good Wife/Bad Wife, Good Mom/Bad Mom.

“It wasn’t our day as wives and mothers with perfect buns, pearls and demure smiles,” she said.

We learn among other things that they became friends seven years ago, when Meghan Markle was filming the series Suits in Toronto. Sophie Grégoire even sent her meditation advice and encouragement when she was pregnant. She would also have been invited with her children to her house in Montecito, California, to enjoy the pool and chat “like schoolgirls” over a glass of wine.

The two women further spoke about the challenges of being a mother and wife to a famous man.

Meghan Markle also received the Americans Pamela Adlon, and Sam Jay for this episode.

The podcast launched last August is a series of 12 episodes in which Meghan Markle discusses in an intimate tone with her guests, around clichés about women.

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