Meghan Markle at the heart of an improbable theory: a detail of her look in Windsor started it all

Are Meghan Markle’s intentions as bad as they claim? Other Internet users have, in any case, calmed the ardor of the most radical by multiplying the hypotheses. The observed rectangle can also correspond to the buckle of a belt, to a glucometer (allowing to measure the level of sugar in the blood), to a means of communication with its staff or quite simply to the shape taken by Meghan’s dress Markle based on her movements.

Be that as it may, a relative of the Duchess of Sussex spoke on the subject, sweeping away the craziest hypothesis: “It’s nonsense and extremely negative to say that about herhe told Page Six. Of course she wasn’t wearing a microphone.“Meghan Markle’s reputation with fans of the British Crown has taken a big hit since she and Prince Harry distanced themselves from the Windsor clan. Many have thought from the start that the ex-actress is solely responsible for this choice.Despite the official speeches of the main parties concerned to dismantle the rumors of tension, the latter are becoming more and more insistent.Princes Harry and William are barely still taking the trouble hide them…

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