Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding

What they showed us

With nearly two billion viewers worldwide, the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on May 19, 2018 was the event of all records. The making of the veil required the seamstresses nearly 500 hours of work and 5 meters of tulle. The bride’s dress, designed by Clare Waight Keller for Givenchy cost the whopping 239,000 euros, the beauty treatment, 11,825 euros. As for the wedding cake which delighted the 600 guests, it required 200 lemons, 500 organic eggs, 20 kilos of butter and as much sugar. The overall budget? Nearly 36.6 million euros. But nothing was too good for the new darling couple of the English. And when Meghan appears on the forecourt of St. George’s Chapel in Windsor, the whole world understands what made Lady Di’s son crack. All smiles, the actress of Suits is sublime, she is about to seal her destiny to that of one of the greatest monarchies in Europe. A dreamy fairy tale. Except for a few details…

>>> To read also: The engagement of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

What they hid from us: Meghan’s hurtful words to Charles

A few weeks before the wedding, Thomas Markle, the father of Meghan, commits the oddity of accepting a large check from a paparazzi in exchange for photos of him trying on his tuxedo for the big day. , he renews the operation with another tabloid and poses on the terrace of a café, a book on Great Britain in his hands. After a monumental falling out with his daughter and son-in-law, Thomas announces to them that he will not be present at the event. Officially, a heart operation keeps him in Mexico. Dresser ! On May 19, Meghan will therefore have to walk down the aisle alone. Prince Charles, pained for her, then offers her his arm. According to the queen’s biographer, Robert Hardman, the bride-to-be then replied: “Can we meet halfway down the aisle. “A little phrase that would have disconcerted the heir to the crown. “He understood that he had nothing to do with a shy and blushing bride but with a woman ready to do anything to receive the light. »

>>> To read also: The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

Can one marriage hide another?

What if the white dress, the wedding cake and the veil had in fact been useless? Last March, while giving an interview to Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle revealed that she and Harry got married three days before D-Day, out of sight in their garden. “We called the archbishop and we just said, ‘listen, this show is for the world, but we want our union to be between us’”. For the English, it’s a shock. So, all this spending, this pomp, this hoopla was in fact only an odious lie? Anger grows. Fortunately, three days later, the archbishop denies it. “We met several times and I can assure you that the legal marriage took place on Saturday. I signed the certificate, which is a legal document and I would have committed a serious criminal offense if I had signed it knowing that it was false. We are reassured.

>>> To read also: The marriage of Lady Di and Prince Charles

Kate in tears

As England prepared to celebrate this new royal wedding, a crisis broke out between the two most famous sisters-in-law in the kingdom. The press reports that at the last fitting of the bridesmaid dresses, Meghan lost her temper and shouted at the staff present. “Kate didn’t appreciate the way she addressed people and pointed it out to him. She who always keeps her calm is out of her hinges. She ended up in tears,” reports Kirstie Allsopp, Camilla Parker Bowles’ confidante. In the interview with Oprah, Meghan will explain that it was Kate who made her cry, adding that she sent her a bouquet of flowers to apologize. No one will really know what happened that day between the two duchesses. Still, at the wedding, William’s wife stayed well away from the general jubilation.

Lea Hasvry

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