Meghan Markle and Prince Harry: their daughter Lilibet well and truly baptized in the greatest secrecy?

Since they moved away from the British royal family, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan have been living a more secret life. As proof, six months after the birth of their daughter Lilibet Diana, they finally decided to reveal her face for the very first time on the occasion of the end of the year celebrations. It was time ! The young parents would also have baptized it in the greatest privacy, a happy event of which they would reserve the exclusivity …

In any case, this is what the British YouTuber and royal expert Neil Sean thinks. In a video published this Wednesday, December 22, 2021, the latter suggests that Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor, would have been baptized in the United States. “Apparently this could become a chapter in Harry’s memoir., he adds. When you think about it, it would make sense to put pictures like that, to discover the guests, the godmother, the godfather. It could even be a selling point.

Prince Harry has partnered with the Penguin Random House publishing house for the publication of his memoirs. The book is expected at the end of 2022. The son of Lady Diana and Prince Charles and grandson of Queen Elizabeth II will notably mention his “military engagement that took him twice to the front lines in Afghanistan, and his joys as a husband and fatherThere is no doubt that his two toddlers, Archie and Lilibet, will make a remarkable appearance there.

Archie and his little sister, will be spending the holidays with their parents in California! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are reportedly not planning to travel to the UK to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve with the royal family. The Sovereign will also be deprived of her daughter (Prince Harry’s aunt), Princess Anne and her husband, Sir Timothy Laurence. The latter tested positive for Covid-19 and isolated himself at his residence in Gatcombe Park, in the county of Gloucestershire. The former vice-admiral of the British Royal Navy is one of the victims of the new wave of contamination shaking the United Kingdom. Queen Elizabeth II adjusted and decided to spend the holidays in Windsor rather than at her residence in Sandringham, County Norfolk.

The queen would have taken this “personal decision after careful consideration“, decision which”reflects a cautious approach. “” Family members to come to Windsor over Christmas season“, assured an informant close to the crown, according to whom”reasonable precautions and all appropriate directions will be followed“.

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