Meghan Markle and Prince Harry “poor”? Astonishing revelation about their fortune!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are far from the ones the British want to pity. Since their departure from the monarchy, their distance and their desire for independence, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have struggled to increase their popularity rating in the good direction. This bad reputation seems to have consequences on the professional life of the parents of Archie, 3 years old and Lilibet, 1 year old.

Tina Brown, former editor of Vanity Fairconfided that in the bag of the big fortunes that Hollywood can count, all areas combined, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are part of the low bracket, which would make them the “hollywood poor“with only $22 million in the pocketbook. The value of their Montecito mansion,”humble cottage“described by Tina Brown, would also amount to 14 million dollars … Only!

If we compare the fortunes of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to that of everyone else, there is a real gap. That of the journalist and great friend of the couple Oprah Winfrey reaches, for example, 2.5 billion dollars, far ahead of Beyoncé and Jay Z, at 1.5 billion dollars according to the listing unveiled by the Daily Mail. Kylie Jenner peaks at 1 billion ahead of Ellen DeGeneres whose jackpot reaches 500,000 dollars.

Projects abound. Several of Meghan and Harry’s contracts are on fire, including with Netflix, and are expected to bring in millions of dollars for the Sussexes, starting with the prince’s memoir whose publication has been delayed due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II. A not so annoying setback for the author. In recent days, sensational revelations about the couple have been made in a book by Valentine Lowe. We learned in particular of the atrocious behavior of Meghan and Harry with their staff and the pressure put by Meghan on Buckingham Palace to save its reputation. This should therefore allow Harry to respond properly to all the attacks that have targeted them…

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