Meghan Markle and her political ambitions: This new recruit who is talking

The year 2022 definitely leads the couple of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to its share of projects and surprises. While it was announced the reconciliation of the duo (who left their princely duties two years ago) with Queen Elizabeth II, new elements could indicate that the Duchess of Sussex would aim for new ambitions, in particular political ones.

It is a new recruit from the Harry-Meghan clan who has come to stir up trouble in the minds of observers this week. Indeed, the arrival of a certain Miranda Barbot has something to ask. Her name may not mean anything to you, but the latter was one of the strong elements of the Obama clan who worked for the re-election of the former American president in 2012. She held the position of public relations manager for the Democratic candidate for the time. Also this specialist in communication (and in particular politics) will obviously be of great help to the couple who have sometimes suffered from image problems. The young woman, barely 30 years old, left her position in the American company BerlinRosen to join the English group Archiwell. Miranda was already at their side during their very successful outing for the Invictus Games.

A small revolution that questions the aspirations of Harry and Meghan. To the point where a close source told the Mirror : “There are airs of the Clintons or the Kennedys at home, it would no longer be a huge surprise if Meghan got into politics.“What will happen? Very clever who can know, but it is certain that the princely couple is putting all the chances on their side to “smooth” his image. And the field of communication was not his only project since he also hired the former bodyguard of… Barack Obama for his protection. Decidedly!

Meghan Markle will she walk in the footsteps of Barack Obama to become the second African-American in the White House?

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