Meghan Markle and Harry visited Elizabeth II… and snubbed Kate and William?

Two and a half years ago, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle decided to withdraw from the royal family and the obligations that go with it. Two and a half years, therefore, to fully live their new life as almost normal parents in California alongside their son Archie and then for almost a year, Lilibet Diana. In Montecito, in their sublime residence, and soon perhaps in New York where they are looking for a foothold, the Sussexes seem to have never regretted their heavy decision. During this long period, the Covid did not facilitate the couple’s return to the United Kingdom and if Prince Harry was able to see his grandmother Elizabeth II a few months ago, Meghan Markle did not. set foot there since they left. This Thursday, April 14, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited Queen Elizabeth II. But may well have snubbed Prince William and Kate Middleton.

An unofficial visit, according to the AFP dispatch. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex traveling to the Netherlands as part of the Invictus Games, a sports competition open to war wounded and disabled, founded by Harry, which opens this weekend, they stopped before in the United Kingdom, according to a spokesperson for the couple. The opportunity for Archie and Lilibet’s mother to be able to see the monarch again before she celebrates her 96th birthday in a few days. In the grounds of Windsor Castle, near London, the queen, her grandson, and his wife must have had time to catch up. Whoever had not come to the tribute paid to his grandfather Prince Philip, last March, must have taken pleasure in finding his grandmother to whom he is so close.

Prince William and Kate snubbed?

What about Prince William and Kate Middleton? During this last-minute getaway, Harry and Meghan would have seen Prince Charles and Camilla in Windsor, according to the indiscretions of journalist Richard Palmer, but would have snubbed William and Kate. The latest information from across the Atlantic indeed suggests that Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle wouldn’t have taken the time to visit the Cambridges. While the relationship of the two brothers has continued to deteriorate over the past few years, this information, if true, would not bode well for the future. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge may well see this as another betrayal. As for the Sussexes, already not very popular in England, this disappointment would not help their fate.

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