Meghan Markle and Harry: This trip very close to the United Kingdom that makes you cringe…

Once again, the British crown will cringe at Prince Harry’s decisions! Indeed, only a few days after having refused to go to the United Kingdom to participate in the ceremony of homage to his grandfather Prince Philip, he should return to Europe next week but to the Netherlands, for the launch of the Invictus Games, these sports competitions that he had initiated around the world for veterans injured in combat.

If the cause is beautiful and close to his heart for a long time, the timing is not really ideal! This return should, moreover, further widen the gap between him and the rest of his family, present in full for the tribute to Prince Philip and who have not seen him since last June. Everyone, children and adults, had indeed made the trip for the ceremony celebrated on March 29 in London. The main representatives of European royal families were also present.

However, he had felt that his safety was no longer guaranteed in his country of origin. The crown refused to provide her with her usual bodyguards, explaining that she could not pay for someone who was now totally out of it. The conflict having not found a happy end, the Duke of Sussex, his wife Meghan Markle and their two children (Archie, almost 3 years old, and Lilibet, 10 months) remained in the United States.

The situation must have suited him better in the Netherlands since he will be present… and with his wife! The American actress, who has not made any trips outside America since their sensational departure from the royal family at the end of 2019, should be there and could go on stage with him. A source close to the couple confirmed that Meghan “was happy to travel with Harry for this event for which she feels concerned“, according to the Daily Mail. On the other hand, their children will surely remain in the United States under the care of Doria Ragland, the mother of Meghan Markle, to whom they are very close.

Suffice to say that the British should have little taste of this weekend in Europe, especially since the Queen has never been presented to her great-granddaughter! In any case, the break between the couple and the royal family seems definitely consummated, even for their friends: while they celebrated the wedding of their son Brooklyn in the United States, the Beckham couple would not have invited Harry and Meghan out of friendship for Prince William and Kate Middleton…

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