Meghan Markle and Harry: Their children Archie and Lilibet present at the jubilee, a relative speaks

Hopes were quickly dashed. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are already back in California and not a shadow of a photo has circulated on the Web concerning Archie and Lilibet. While waiting for the miracle to happen, George Northwood, hairdresser of the ex-actress and close to the couple, risked some information to the delight of admirers of the crown. On Instagram, the artist posted several pictures of his client Meghan Markle and Harry, whom he accompanied during the jubilee and indicated, in the caption, to be one of the lucky ones who met their descendants.

Already nostalgic but happy to have found Harry, Meghan and their family in the United Kingdom. Archie has become the cutest and most distinguished of little boys and Lilibet is adorable” he wrote in the caption of his post. Something to console some Internet users whose reactions were not long in coming in the comments: “Finally some news from Archie and Lilibet. Thanks a lot !”We really miss him. Happy that they are fulfilled in the life they have chosen“, “I cry tears of joy. Thanks for sharing this with us.”

If the return of Meghan Markle and Harry was eagerly awaited, it did not, it seems, make it possible to strengthen the loose ties with the other members of the firm, including Prince William and Kate Middleton. If the two brothers had exchanged a few words during the funeral of prince Philip and both posed for the inauguration of a statue in tribute to their mother Diana, this time they did not bother to pretend. During the mass given in honor of the 70 years of reign of their grandmother, William and Harry were seated far from each other. A ceremonial placement that surely suited them since the two brothers barely greeted each other…

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